2022 Consumer Confidence Report (Report will not be mailed, but is available upon request)
Water Utility
Water Utility Rate: $4.70 / 1,000 gallons
The Village of Hobart water customers are serviced by Lake Michigan water purchased through Green Bay Water Utility for the northern part of Hobart and the Village of Ashwaubenon for the southern part of Hobart, an elevated storage tank and distribution system as discussed below.
Northern Hobart residents receive water from the Green Bay Water Utility through a single supply line. In addition, a 300,000 gallon elevated water reservoir (tower), constructed in 1998, provides a one-day supply of water for Village residents. The original Village deep well located in Thornberry Creek is kept as an emergency backup water supply. The water received from Lake Michigan is of high quality and a naturally soft source of water, a water softener is not necessary to maintain a quality soft water. Water quality analysis can be found here; Green Bay Water Quality.
Southern Hobart residents have two areas serviced with public water purchased from the Village of Ashwaubenon. The Village of Hobart purchases water from the Village of Ashwaubenon. A water tower located in the Village of Ashwaubenon is used for pressure. A metering station in southern Hobart monitors water quality and quantity from Ashwaubenon. This water is also sourced from the Green Bay Water Utility.
The Village of Hobart has 42.5 miles of water main within its border. The PVC pipes range in size from 6" to 16" with approximately 92% of the distribution system having mains which are 8" or larger in diameter. There are 504 hydrants and two pressure-reducing valves within the system.
Welcome to the Village of Hobart Water Department’s online portal for our Lead and Copper program. We know that lead in drinking water is dangerous, so in 1986, Congress restricted the amount of lead allowed in construction and plumbing materials. Although this issue may not be limited to homes constructed before 1986, homes that were built before than are more likely to have plumbing components that contain elevated levels of lead, such as pipes, solder, and fixtures.
Bases on the guidance and requirements from 40 CFR § 141.84(a) which is part of the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revision, and section NR 809.119, Wis. Adm. Code, we developed a program to gather a detailed inventory of all municipal and customer water service line materials and premise plumbing materials as required by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Lead Service Line (LSL) program.
As part of this inventory, the Water Department has reviewed countless building, engineering, and contractor records, as well as its own records for development of this program. We may have also visited your home to complete the investigation and verification survey for your water service line, and we thank you. All of this has contributed to our ongoing efforts to update this database with the most accurate information available.
To review the inventory, please click here.
​Sewer Utility
Sewer Utility Rate: $8.14 / 1,000 gallons
The Hobart Sewer System is a wastewater collection system consisting of 32 miles of sewer mains and 600 manholes. Sewer lines are on a four year rotation for televising and cleaning, repairs are conducted as identified in yearly televising to maintain a clean system. Manholes are inspected on the same schedule and repaired as required. Four lift stations are maintained to pump sewage from areas outside of gravity lines to interceptors that feed into the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District (“NEWWater”). All of the Village’s wastewater treatment services are provided by NEWWater which is contracted to collect and treat all waste water from the Village of Hobart.
Deduct Meter Policy: In 2019, the Hobart Village Board approved a new Deduct Meter Policy, effective immediately. The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures and policies for the installation of second (deduct) water meters with the intent of more accurately determining water usage. The current “Summer Sewer” credit, which is being eliminated, was based on average water use and not on actual water flowing into the sanitary system. The credit policy did not consider residents who travel out of the area during the winter months or distinguish if some of the credited water use is still being discharged onto the sanitary system, resulting in higher treatment charges for the Village that may not be recovered. In addition, this credit was applied to everyone's water bill, whether they use lawn irrigation or not. This could have resulted in uncovered sewer treatment costs of water incorrectly credited with the current policy. The application for the Deduct Meter Permit can be downloaded here.
Storm Water Utility
Hobart’s storm water utility is a system of ditches, culverts, retention/detention ponds and curb and gutter. The system is designed to effectively allow storm water to infiltrate into the water table or to channel the water to local natural bodies of water, such as streams and rivers. As the Village grows, curb and gutter will be installed in subdivisions and urbanized areas to channel storm water runoff to area storm water ponds designed to filter out sediment before discharge into natural waterways.
The storm water ordinance has been in effect since July 2007, by having a storm water ordinance, and subsequent storm water user charges versus a tax or levy, the Village will be better able to fund such projects and further the objectives of having clean and safe waterways.
The health of the utility is very good with a stable fund balance. These accruing funds will be used for large capital projects in the coming years. Other municipalities in Wisconsin are finding it difficult to meet storm water compliance measures because they did not begin reserving funds to accommodate strict regulations. The Village Board chooses to be proactive by reserving funds from user charges on an annual basis to lessen the financial burden.