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Neighborhood Watch and Business Watch are programs to assist in the prevention of crime and lead to the apprehension of criminals. The design of these programs is to train individuals in detecting and preventing crime.


The areas include home and business security, identification of suspicious activity, and proper methods of reporting crime.


Most people believe that a Neighborhood Watch Program would take up a lot of their time and many responsibilities. This is not true. We try to make the program fun and educational. We would like you to attend a minimum of two functions a year to get to know your neighbors and stay in touch with them.


If you are interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch Group or have any questions, please contact the Hobart-Lawrence Police Department anytime between 8:00a.m and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.



Fingerprints for employment are made by appointment; call 869-3800 anytime between 8:00a.m and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment.




Unwanted, unused, or expired prescription drugs have been determined to present substantial risks to our community by either falling into the wrong hands or damaging our environment through improper disposal. It is this awareness that has resulted in the Hobart-Lawrence Police Department providing a safe alternative method to dispose of unwanted pharmaceuticals.


We have a drop box available during business hours. If you have large items, personnel are available to take those items from your directly.


WHEN: Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. & 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Friday

WHERE: The Hobart-Lawrence Police Department - (Hobart Village Offices) - 2990 S. Pine Tree Road, Hobart, WI

  • The medication may be turned in anonymously as no identification will be required.

  • Medications may be in standard containers or in plastic bags. Liquid medication must be enclosed in a secure container and placed in a plastic bag.

  • Syringes will not be accepted as this will create a hazardous situation for our personnel.

Please note, that this collection program is not intended for the use of physicians or other business entities that already have established procedures and existing resources for the disposal of unwanted or expired pharmaceuticals.


For additional information click here




School Liaison Officers (SLO) work in cooperation with the schools and police in a proactive manner to deal with youth concerns before they become youth problems.


Police, working in partnership with the schools, provide the opportunity to implement programs aimed primarily at the prevention of delinquent behavior through education, communication, and understanding among the school, youth, police, and the community.


The Hobart-Lawrence Police Department has one officer working as SLO - who works at West De Pere's Hemlock Elementary. For additional information click here




The Hobart-Lawrence Police Department provides a service to our community by checking on the homes of residents who are away due to scheduled vacations or unexpected travel. The program is free and only requires the resident complete a house check form. While away, an officer will check on your home periodically. The frequency of the checks will be determined by the activity in the area and the workload of the officers. Normally, properties are checked once per day.


If you would like to register for a house check, please complete the form and submit it to the Department at least five days in advance of your departure date. If you have any questions, please contact us. 

Village of Hobart

2990 South Pine Tree Road - Hobart, WI 54155

Copyright © 2017 - Village of Hobart

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Phone: (920) 869-1011 - Fax: (920) 869-2048

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