How do I contact the police department?
The department non-emergency phone number is (920) 391-7450. The street address is 2990 S Pine Tree Road, Hobart, WI 54155.
To obtain completed reports such as accident reports and incident reports call HLPD records clerk at (920) 869-3800. For any questions in regards to HLPD municipal court call, the court clerk at (920) 869-3801.
What hours is the police office open?
The police department office hours are 8:00 AM thru 5:00PM, Monday thru Friday.
How do I contact someone outside of those hours or days?
Calling our non-emergency phone number will result in a dispatcher contacting an officer via radio, 391-7450, twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to file/take a report with an officer.
How do I report an emergency situation?
Calling 911 results in your call being answered thru an enhanced 911 phone system. Explaining your situation to a trained dispatcher will result in proper response from medical, rescue, fire and police services.
What are some types of emergency situations to report via 911?
Some of the more common emergency calls are the result of traffic accidents, work or home related accidents resulting in injuries, or other severe medical problems, crimes in progress, situations involving imminent physical danger, cries for help, drunk or reckless drivers, severe weather, etc. General calls for information or assistance or reporting crimes not in progress should go thru the non-emergency phone number, 391-7450.
What information should I be prepared to provide?
Generally, more information is better. You will be asked personal information such as name, address, phone number, and you will also be asked to provide as much of a description of the incident as possible. Some of this information may include the description of a vehicle, license plate number, or person, direction of travel, directions to and description of your home or vehicle, whether weapons were used, if anyone else is involved. Remember to remain calm, that way you can relay more information that will be better understood and get help to you quicker.
Someone knocked over my mailbox or threw a tomato against my house, should I bother to report this?
Absolutely! Even though it is a minor offense and no real damage occurred, this may just be the start of something bigger in your neighborhood. It may also have happened the next block over, and if we don’t learn about it, we won’t know to increase patrols and watch for this type of behavior.
What should I expect when an officer arrives at my house to investigate a complaint?
The officer will arrive as soon as possible after receiving the call, depending on workload, distance from your home, etc. Generally, response time should be within 15 minutes. The officer will then ask for information about the incident or complaint. The investigation may also require checking for physical evidence, or interviewing other family members, neighbors, etc.
It’s been several days and there’s no progress on solving my complaint. What’s going on?
There may be several things that are happening, including further interviews, interrogations or evidence processing. It may also mean that there is no way to solve the complaint based on the current information in our possession. Active investigation stops only when there are no other directions to go with the complaint. It remains open, pending new leads. For answers to any questions you may have, contact the investigating officer.
Way to go! You solved my crime and arrested a suspect, now what happens?
We file charges against a suspect with the Brown County District Attorney’s Office, or issue a citation or citations through Hobart Lawrence Municipal Court. From there the judicial system takes over and the suspect has his day in court. Information regarding this procedure is available in the Victim Information sheet you should have received during the initial report of the incident.
Can I discharge a firearm in the Village of Hobart?
Click here for a map of allowed weapons use.
Can I discharge a firearm in the Town of Lawrence?
Yes. You would need to follow the state laws for the Town of Lawrence, be sober, and at least 100 yards from any dwelling.
Can I park my vehicle overnight on the street in the Village of Hobart or Town of Lawrence?
Overnight parking is prohibited in Hobart and Lawrence from November 1st to April 1st.
How do I report a drug tip and can I remain anonymous?
Yes. If you contact the Brown County Drug Task Force at (920) 437-DRUG (3784) or Crime Stoppers at 432-Stop (7867)
Is it legal to park trailers, campers, or motor homes on Village streets?
Village and Town ordinance prohibits the parking of trailers on Hobart and Lawrence streets except when in the process of loading or unloading their contents. It is illegal for a trailer operator to “drop” a trailer on Hobart and Lawrence streets. For more information, please see Village Ordinance 264-3E.
How can I obtain a set of fingerprints for my employment?
Fingerprints are made by appointment, call 869-3800 to make an appointment.