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Dear New Hobart Resident,

I extend an especially warm welcome to you as one of our newest residents! We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to live in this community with the beauty of its natural attributes as well as the natural beauty of its wonderful citizens. In addition to extending a welcome, let me also extend an invitation to you to contact me at anytime with your questions and comments, or with your ideas and interest in becoming more active in your local government.

Here in Hobart, we boast a Village property tax rate among the lowest in the region. To accomplish all of this and maintain this track record of success is only possible because of the painstaking efforts of an exceptionally capable, lean, and efficient Village Administrative Staff, and selflessly dedicated 5-member Village Board. Having moved here myself almost 30 years ago, I still cherish and hold dear what perhaps draws newcomers to the Hobart community today: family and small town American values. Hobart enjoys a handsome topography, a climate full of each of the four seasons, and convenience to all urban resources in our location near the “Northern Coast” of the Great Lakes. Yet we take great pride and make ongoing thoughtful efforts to preserve the quiet rural and residential ambiance that permeates our entire Village.

We revere and owe much appreciation to the diligence and work ethic of our early settlers and founding families who forged this area into prosperous family farms adjacent to magnificent residential communities. The Village has thoughtfully and successfully developed mixed use areas in both our southern and northern areas. These developments offer a complete spectrum of residential dwellings at various price points and value, as well as the opportunity for new retail, restaurants, office and professional spaces, and excellent outdoor amenities in the form of new green spaces.

We have enjoyed a vibrant past. We anticipate continued success on the course which we’ve embarked. And we’re excited and encouraged to have you as our new neighbor and friend. I truly look forward to meeting you soon! If you’re simply browsing the web, we’re proud to showcase our Village! In any event, I always welcome your calls or e-mails.

Rich Heidel
Village President
Hobart, Wisconsin
Cell: 920.655.3107
E-mail address:

Move-In Checklist:


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Village of Hobart

2990 South Pine Tree Road - Hobart, WI 54155

Copyright © 2017 - Village of Hobart

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Phone: (920) 869-1011 - Fax: (920) 869-2048

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