What are the Village Business Office hours and address?
The Village Business Office is open from 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Friday. If the Village Office is to be closed on a normally scheduled date due to a holiday, it will be posted on the web page and in Hobart Headlines. Village contact info:
Village of Hobart
2990 South Pine Tree Road
Hobart, WI 54155
Phone: (920) 869-1011
Fax: (920) 869-2048
Do I Have to Get a Dog License?
Yes. Annual licenses are required by the State of Wisconsin. In order to receive a license, proof of current rabies is required from your veterinarian. The cost is $10.00 for neutered or spayed dogs and $20.00 for male or female dogs. The deadline is for the annual license is March 31st. and there is a $10.00 per animal late charge the deadline is passed. Please click here to find the dog license form.
Does the Village Have A Seasonal Christmas Tree Drop Off Location?
Yes, Christmas Trees can be dropped off at our Department of Public Works Building located at 3769 N. Overland Road outside of the fence towards the left side of the gate. Please remove all lights, decorations, etc before dropping off.
How Can I Stay Current on Village News?
Signing up for the Village's bi-weekly e-newsletter, Hobart Headlines, is the best way to stay up-to-date with Village news and events. Click here to sign-up now!
How Do I Know If I Need a Burning Permit?
To respect the busy lives of our Volunteer Fire Fighters, the Village has established times when burning is acceptable:
Monday through Friday - 4:00 pm until 8:00 pm
Saturday - 8:00 am until 8:00 pm
NO Sunday or Holiday burning
Permits are required depending upon the size of the parcel and the amount of materials to be burned.
On any size parcel, if you are burning in a small 4’ x 4’ fire ring, you do not need a permit.
Campfires or cooking fires in the 4’ x 4’ area are allowed
Parcels less than 2 ½ acres may burn in a 4’ x 4’ fire ring only.
Parcels greater than 2 ½ acres but less than 5 acres you may burn in a 4’ x 4’ fire ring with no permit.
If you have more brush you may obtain a permit for up to a 10’ x 10’ Area.
Parcels greater than 5 acres can burn in the 4’ x 4’ fire ring and up to a 10’ x 10’ area without a permit but any larger area requires a permit.
No ditch burning is allowed at any time in any area.
Only clean untreated wood, clean paper products and vegetation may be burned.
Recycling and composting of those materials is strongly encouraged.
Burning should be your last alternative. Burning of plastic, garbage, asphalt, treated or painted wood, rubber or oily substances is prohibited.
When burning a 10’ x 10’ area or larger with the permit, we ask residents to call the Brown County Dispatch Center to tell them when you will be burning. That number is 391-7470. Always keep a garden hose available to extinguish the fire. If your fire gets away, you will be liable for all expenses incurred in suppressing the fire and will be responsible for all damages caused by the fire. If you have any questions, please contact the Village Office at 920-869-1011.
When is Trick-or-Treating in the Village?
Trick-or-treating takes place each year on Halloween night, October 31st, from 4-7 pm.
What School District Do I Live In?
Generally speaking, north of HWY 54 is Pulaski School District and south is West De Pere School District. However, if you live close to HWY 54, please call the Village Office at (920) 869-1011 to find out specifically, as the line deviates from the HWY boundary in the western part of the Village.
Where Do I Register to Vote?
Take a look at our Election Page for more details. You may register to vote and apply for an absentee ballot online at myvote.wi.gov, or at the Village Office Business Office.