In Person or By Mail
You may pay your fine in person or by mail at the address below:
Hobart/Lawrence Municipal Court
2990 South Pine Tree Road
Hobart, WI 54155
Cash, Checks, Money Order, & Credit/Debit cards are accepted for in-person payments. There will be a nonrefundable service fee charged when paying with a credit/debit card. Please do not send cash in the mail.
Please make your check payable to: Village of Hobart
Payment can be made in person during our normal business hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 4pm
Friday 7:30am - 11:00am
​Online Payments
Hobart/Lawrence Municipal Court offers the option to pay forfeitures/costs via credit/debit card through Five Point.
A convenience fee of 2.95% will be charged. Do not add the convenience fee, as the fee will be added at the end of the transaction.
Please Note: Five Point is an independent company that charges a fee for its services. The fee is a nonrefundable fee to use this service. The fee may change at any time. The Hobart/Lawrence Municipal Court does not receive the additional fee for this service.
You will need your citation number in order to pay online. Only cases eligible for online payment will be displayed. It may take up to 72 hours or longer for eligible citations to become available for online payment. Please contact the Hobart/Lawrence Municipal Court at 920-869-3801 for help locating your citation or questions regarding online payments.​​​​​
Payment Plans and Extensions are available. Please contact the court clerk BEFORE your due date to discuss eligibility and terms.
If you fail to make a payment, any of the following may occur:
Suspension of your driver’s license
Debt is sent to the Department of Revenue for Tax Intercept
Issuance of a Warrant/Writ of Commitment for your arrest/incarceration
SDC (Pursuant to Sec. 71.93(8) Wis. Stats.: If the debt is not paid in full within 90 days of the date of this letter, the amount may be referred to a Department of Revenue agent for collection action. A delinquent collection fee of 15% of the unpaid balance or $35.00, whichever is greater, will be added to your account. Collection action may include one or all of the following, some of which result in additional fees being added to your account: interception of your Wisconsin tax refunds, attachment of wages or other compensation being paid to your, garnishment, seizure or levy against your property, including bank accounts and IRAs, filing a delinquent tax warrant with the Clerk of Courts in the county in which you reside and/or own property. This warrant will act as a judgment and lien on any real and personal property that you own and may affect your credit rating.)