The Village of Hobart has numerous boards and commissions that advise the Village Board or have direct responsibility for various functions or activities within the Village. If you are a resident of the Village and would be interested in serving, please contact Village President Rich Heidel or Village Administrator Aaron Kramer. The next time that an opening occurs for a board or commission that interests you, we will include your name among any others who have volunteered. Be a part of Village Government!
The 7-member committee responsible for reviewing and maintaining Village utilities; developing and monitoring the 5-year road plan; and the maintenance, replacement, and development of Village improvements and assets such as buildings, parks, parking lots, and major equipment.
Meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 5:00 pm as needed
Members: Dave Dillenburg, Vanya Koepke, Dave Baranczyk, Dan Deruyter, Don Dahlstrom, Kevin Gannon, and Ron Hieronimczak, James Kunalak (Alternate)
The seven-member committee that creates development plans including plats, surveys, and maps. They refer all action items to the Village Board for approval.
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm as needed
Members: Rich Heidel (C), Dave Dillenburg (VC), Jeff Ambrosius, Tom Dennee, John Rather, David Johnson, Bob Ross
This five-member board responsible for hiring, promoting, disciplining, and firing within the police department.
Meetings: As Needed
Members: Ron Jaeger (Lawrence), Gary Pieschek (Hobart), John Shimek (Lawrence), Larry Potter (Hobart), Don Hedrick (Hobart)
The five-member board responsible for hiring, promoting, disciplining, and firing within the fire department.
Meetings: As Needed
Members: Tom Dennee, Al Lankford, Dan Van Rite, Bob Vandehey, Linda Hieronimczak
The seven-member committee that reviews architectural components of commercial site plans to ensure they comply with village ordinances.
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm as needed
Members: Dave Dillenburg (C), Tammy Zittlow, Steve Riley, Dave Barancyk, Rick Nuetzel, Tom Tengowski, Peter Zobro
The five-member committee that meets to address ethical concerns for all committees, commissions, boards, and employees.
Meetings: As Needed
Members: Dave Bainbridge, Jeff Johnson, Bob Zemple, Jerry Lewin, Lisa Wheeler
The five-member board that meets annually to review and address residents concerns with the assessment role.
Meetings: Annually as scheduled by the village assessor
Members: Rich Heidel (C), Dave Dillenburg, Tammy Zittlow, Vanya Koepke, Melissa Tanke
The five-member board that meets to address variance appeals as well as administrative appeals for alleged errors in ordinances.
Meetings: As Needed
Members: Erik Perry (Co-C), Chris Igler, Jeff Johnson, John Rehn, Henry Rueden, James Kubalak, VACANCY (Alternate)
The five-member committee that improves and develops parks and recreation programs in the Village.
Meetings: TBD
Members: Mary Jane Hemmy, Kassie Freckman, Jane Jerzak, Cynthia Silvers, Tammy Zittlow (Alternate)